Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cops in Alabama beat Unconscious Man

I am glad that these cops were fired. This is police brutality at its worse. This man was thrown from his car and knocked unconscious. Afterward, he was beaten by police, even though he was not putting up any resistance because he was UNCONSCIOUS.

I think we should all thank the men and women of police forces that carry out their job with honor and pride. They are hard working, American servants and deserve nothing but our gratitude.


Anonymous said...

Watch the video moron. Let's say one of your family was almost run over by this nut as the one cop was almost run over. I'd be mad as heck and in the absence of a cooling off period, I'd wail on that unconscious idiot too. Too bad he didn't die, he could very well have killed others.
Hopefully police everywhere will learn from this, beat the idiots off camera.

Zaid at UGA said...

Hey look guyz we gots a post from the 18th century.

Unknown said...

If I were in charge I would make the cops spend an hour a day in a batting cage until they learned how to give a real beating.....

Anonymous said...

What they should have done is given the man some smelling salts and when he popped up to run used him for target practice.

Zaid at UGA said...

Dick Cheney posts a lot on our blog.

Anonymous said...

All sniping aside, the cops were revved on adrenaline. It certainly doesn't look good from the perspective of someone who simply views the last eleven seconds, but this is completely analogous to the Rodney King incident. All anyone got to see was the last few seconds of an extremely long evasion.

Not ONE of you have anything constructive or exceptional to say about a live combat situation, which is exactly what this was, unless you've been involved in one.

Absent the forty or so minutes leading up to the beating, no one at all has commented on the obvious turning of the perpetrator vehicle INTO the cop attempting to lay the spike strip. That was attempted murder, pure and simple. You are going to tell me as a cop, pursuing this suspect, that you'd watch that and NOT want to make sure he's no longer a threat?

Reflexive idiot blogging, as usual, pure and simple.

Zaid at UGA said...

"Not ONE of you have anything constructive or exceptional to say about a live combat situation, which is exactly what this was, unless you've been involved in one."

When someone is subdued and restrained, you don't beat them up. End of story. I don't care about how angry you think they must've been or any of that crap, they're specifically trained not to do that. And that's why they were fired.